
Volunteer With Us!

Are you interesting in helping make Frontier events happen? We’re always looking for new and exciting people to add to our team and have numerous opportunities all year long!

Without the help of our volunteers the Frontier could never have achieved the success it has today.

Next Opportunity

June 2022, Dates TBA
Blumenort, MB

Enter the Enchanted Mazes! Meet fantastical characters as you, your friends, and family complete challenges to earn the 4 seals and escape!

Facebook Group

Serious about getting involved? Request access to our volunteer page to be first in line to hear about new opportunities and coordinate with other volunteers. 


The Frontiersmen

Join our volunteer facebook group!

Volunteer Agreement

Download a copy of our volunteer agreement and fill it out today!


Volunteer Agreement

Join our volunteer facebook group!

Message Us Now!

The best way to get involved is just to contact us.

Facebook Message

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431-388-LARP (5277)

Call or text Luke Thiessen



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